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Leadership and Management

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Leadership and Management Audit

Leadership and management play crucial roles in the success and effectiveness of a school, and with the information and resources in this pack, you can feel confident and well-prepared to audit this area and assist your continuing school improvement journey.

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Your key leadership and management questions answered

What is a leadership and management audit?

A school leadership and management audit is a systematic review of a school’s leadership and management practices, policies and procedures. The audit is designed to identify areas of strength and weakness in the school’s leadership and management practices and to provide recommendations for improvement.

The audit typically includes a review of the school’s strategic planning processes, financial management practices, human resource management and governance structures. The audit may also involve interviews with school leaders, staff and other stakeholders, as well as a review of documentation and data related to the school’s performance.

How will Ofsted inspect leadership and management?

Ofsted will gather their findings across the course of the inspection to form a judgement on the leadership and management of the school. Some of the key factors considered will include the school’s vision and strategy, the school’s culture and ethos, how leaders are held accountable for the school’s performance, including the role of the governing body and how leaders support staff development and wellbeing.

Based on their evaluation of these areas, along with discussions with senior leaders and members of the governing body, inspectors will grade the school’s leadership and management overall based on the grade descriptors for this area in the Education Inspection Framework (EIF).

Why is a leadership and management audit useful?

A leadership and management audit is useful for several reasons, including identifying areas where a school’s leadership and management practices could be improved, promoting accountability, enhancing transparency by providing a clear picture of the school’s performance to stakeholders, providing valuable information to inform decisions about resource allocation, strategic planning and other key

areas, and ensuring compliance and helping to minimise the risk of legal and financial liabilities.

If completed honestly, conducting an audit in this area can be a useful tool for ensuring the way in which the school is led and managed is allowing all staff to provide the best possible education for its pupils.

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