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Quality of Education

Discover how we can support you to audit and investigate your whole-school curriculum - ideal if you're a headteacher, senior leader, curriculum leader or phase leader.

Curriculum and Quality of Education Audit

Your curriculum is at the heart of all teaching and learning in your setting. Use this audit to celebrate your strengths and identify your weaknesses so you can improve the quality of education that you give to each and every pupil.

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Your key quality of education questions answered

What is a quality of education audit?

A quality of education audit is a comprehensive evaluation of the educational practices, policies and procedures within the setting. The purpose of this audit is to assess the quality of education being provided to pupils and identify areas for improvement.

The audit typically examines various aspects including the curriculum, teaching and learning practices, assessment strategies and professional development opportunities for staff. It also evaluates the impact of these practices on pupil learning and academic achievement.

What does a quality of education audit usually involve?

The audit typically examines various aspects including the curriculum, teaching and learning practices, assessment strategies and professional development opportunities for staff. It also evaluates the impact of these practices on pupil learning and academic achievement.

During the audit process, data may be collected through interviews with staff and pupils, observations of classroom activities and analysis of pupil performance data. Reviews of school policies, procedures and documentation related to curriculum, assessment and teaching practices may also take place.

Why do school leaders conduct curriculum audits?

A quality of education audit is useful to a school for several reasons. By completing one, schools can identify areas for improvement, evaluate the effectiveness of current practices, provide objective feedback, support continuous improvement and build accountability.

A quality of education audit can be a valuable tool for schools to evaluate and improve their educational offer and to support pupil learning and achievement. It provides a comprehensive evaluation of the school’s educational practices, identifies areas for improvement, and establishes a clear roadmap for continuous improvement.

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