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Staff Induction

Support new staff by setting up a comprehensive induction process with these useful Honeyguide resources.

Most popular resource

Staff Induction Pack

Thinking of conducting surveys to support school improvement and aid you and your team in leading change? Whether you’re hoping to gather feedback about a particular area of your school, aiming for an overall summary or unsure where to begin, this School Stakeholder Survey Pack can support you throughout the process.

Your key induction questions answered

What is induction and why is it important?

Staff induction is the vital process of integrating new employees into your setting. It is  essential for setting the foundations of a positive experience for everyone involved, and it requires providing new staff members with the necessary information, resources and support to adjust to their new role and the school’s culture. 

Staff induction is crucial for several reasons, including:

  • Aiding a smooth transition and reducing the stress or uncertainty often associated with starting a new role.

  • Enabling the new staff member to understand their responsibility and role expectations from the beginning.

  • Fostering a sense of belonging for the new staff member, feeling welcomed and supported from the start.

  • Understanding the school’s vision, goals and ways of working.

  • Building relationships with new colleagues.

  • Ensuring necessary training and information is shared appropriately.

Who is responsible for staff induction?

How staff induction is managed will depend on the nature of your setting. You may choose to have an allocated member of staff who carries out the induction process and paperwork with all new staff members, or you may choose to have parts of the induction process led by individuals who are responsible for those areas. For example, you may choose to have the designated safeguarding lead (DSL) undertake all safeguarding inductions with new starters to ensure everyone receives the same information, reflective of any changes and updates.

Why is induction support important?

Whether the support comes in the form of mentoring and line management, supportive resources, crib sheets and checklists, or a combination of all, induction support is essential to ensure new employees successfully transition into the setting. This is beneficial for both the new starter and the existing staff team. Ensuring everyone is aware of their roles and responsibilities during the induction process means it can run smoothly and has the desired effect.

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