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Curriculum and Standards

Thinking about making improvements in a particular national curriculum subject or how to monitor intent, implementation and impact in a subject area to prepare for an Ofsted deep dive? Browse our curriculum-focused resources to find support.

Other curriculum areas to explore

Literacy Improvement

Proficient literacy skills, encompassing reading, writing and confident communication, form the cornerstone of effective learning. These skills serve as a gateway, unlocking access to all facets of the curriculum, empowering pupils to explore and pursue their unique talents and interests, meaning schools should ensure pupils develop strong literacy skills in order to thrive in the future.

Literacy Improvement
Deep Dives in Every Subject

If you're wondering what Ofsted will ask subject leaders during a deep dive, there's no better place to start than with a deep dive pack. But it's not just about Ofsted deep dive questions - it's about being self-reflective and considering the questions so you can determine your current strengths and weaknesses. This will allow you to make continued and specific improvements, regardless of whether you're due an inspection or not.

Deep Dives in Every Subject
Writing Moderation

Moderation is a crucial part of the assessment process for writing and for staff CPD in assessment practices. To get the most out of the moderation process, school leaders should consider carefully organised moderation sessions so everyone can be sure that staff assessment judgements are accurate, next steps for pupils’ learning are identified and staff needs are met by planning for continued development in assessment.

Writing Moderation
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