Safeguarding Scenario: Neglect (Failure to Meet Basic Needs)
Safeguarding Scenario: Neglect (Failure to Meet Basic Needs)
Train staff on safeguarding pupils against neglect. Included in this download is one fictional safeguarding scenario where a pupil joins your setting but shows signs that their family is unable to meet their basic needs. The scenario is gender neutral and suitable for both primary and secondary settings.
Also included is a guided walkthrough for the DSL or safeguarding training lead which lets you check whether staff can spot the signs of neglect as well as ensuring staff know how to respond, report and record effectively. Additionally, you have the chance to discuss the difference between neglect and material poverty. It's ideal to use as a discussion point in a staff meeting or INSET. It can also be used in response to safeguarding trends or concerns in your setting to build staff understanding of keeping children safe.
Fully aligned to KCSIE 2024, this scenario is also available as part of the Safeguarding Training Pack - Autumn Term.
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