2024 KCSIE Update: Summary of Key Changes
The 2024 Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) draft has been released today. In this quick, 3-minute need-to-know summary, we'll share the key changes so you can put them into action.
What are the need-to-know changes to KCSIE 2024?
The following information outlines the changes and updates made to Part One and Annex B of the 2024 Keeping Children Safe in Education.
Amendment to the definition of ‘safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children’
The definition of safeguarding has been amended to reflect the changes made in Working Together to Safeguard Children. Paragraph 3 now states “Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined for the purposes of this guidance as:
- providing help and support to meet the needs of children as soon as problems emerge
- protecting children from maltreatment, whether that is within or outside the home, including online
- preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
- ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
- taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.”
Early Help
Paragraph 18 has been amended to add that staff should be alert to the potential need for Early Help for pupils who have “experienced multiple suspensions, [are] at risk of being permanently excluded from schools, colleges and in Alternative Provision or a Pupil Referral Unit.”
In Part Five where options to manage reports of child-on-child sexual violence and/or sexual harassment are discussed, paragraph 497 has been amended to include the importance of Early Help at any stage in a child’s life. It states, “Early Help is support for children of all ages that improves a family’s resilience and outcomes or reduces the chance of a problem getting worse.”
Children and the court system
In Annex B, links to two age-appropriate guides have been included to support children who are required to give evidence in court.
Preventing radicalisation
In Annex B, a disclaimer has been added to outline that this section is still under review following the new definition of extremism released on 14th March 2024. Additional information is also provided to state that possible indicators of radicalisation should be taken into consideration alongside other factors or contexts.
Wording and minor definition changes
Several wording and minor definition changes occur in KCSIE 2024, including:
- Headings have been amended across KCSIE to reflect that pupils may experience “abuse, neglect and exploitation” rather than solely “abuse and neglect”. (Paragraph 19)
- The definition of abuse has been expanded slightly to emphasise that witnessing ill treatment of others is harmful to children. The paragraph makes references to the relevance of this in all forms of domestic abuse, including where children “see, hear or experience its effects". (Paragraph 24)
- In the section called ‘safeguarding issues’ (which outlines the awareness of safeguarding issues that staff should have), the wording about absence has been changed. The term “deliberately missing education” has been replaced with “unexplainable and/or persistent absences from education”. (Paragraph 31)
What safeguarding training do staff need in September?
Are you looking for a thorough and comprehensive safeguarding and child protection training INSET pack to inform school staff about the KCSIE 2024 updates this September? This cost-effective, ready-to-deliver KCSIE Annual Safeguarding Refresher Training 2024 bundle, including a 70-slide presentation and accompanying scenarios and quizzes, is exactly what you need! In line with Part one of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) 2024, it’s an excellent time-saver for anyone responsible for delivering safeguarding training and updates at the beginning of the academic year, during INSET sessions and beyond
If you've already got tried and trusted safeguarding INSET training in place but need to quickly deliver this year's KCSIE updates to staff, our FREE KCSIE 2024 Training Update PowerPoint and Handout is ideal for you. Based on the 2024 KCSIE, this 11-slide presentation and accompanying one-page handout summary can be sent to staff following the session so they have a chance to revisit the material.
To complement the KCSIE update and refresher training and enhance your safeguarding training offer, while ensuring staff keep up to date with safeguarding issues, we have three Safeguarding Training Packs, one for each term of the academic year. These versatile packs allow you to pick and choose from scenarios and quiz questions to keep training fresh, as well as delivering safeguarding snapshots - one-page, one-minute guides to specific safeguarding issues that can be sent to staff or displayed.
Want it all? Sort safeguarding for the entire academic year with this budget-friendly Safeguarding Training Pack - Full Academic Year.
What do I need to do regarding the KCSIE 2024 updates?
- Begin to review your safeguarding, child protection and other related policies to ensure they reflect the changes and are ready for when KCSIE 2024 becomes statutory in September.
- Share the updates with your governing body.
- Start to plan your staff training update for September INSET days to ensure all staff are informed and up to date on the changes.
- Consider other safeguarding and child protection training that your setting requires.
- You may wish to audit your safeguarding processes, procedures and provision before the new academic year and action plan for any identified areas requiring focus.
It's important to remember that this is a draft version of the 2024 KCSIE, so like in previous years, some further changes may occur before the final release in September 2024.